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类型:动画片 意大利 2007

时间:2024-07-03 13:45:18


白色相簿第一季讲述:  剧中主角原型是三次荣获国家公安部一等功臣黄小勇警官?南极探险?In June of 1994, one of the most brutal mass slaughters in history occurred in the woods of northeNew England. Four months later, history is about to repeat itself. The end of summer signals the brink of manhood for a group of 18-year-old boys who pridefully call New Hampshire their home. Led by Buddy - once regarded as a major league R30;In June of 1994, one of the most brutal mass slaughters in history occurred in the woods of northeNew England. Four months later, history is about to repeat itself. The end of summer signals the brink of manhood for a group of 18-year-old boys who pridefully call New Hampshire their home. Led by Buddy - once regarded as a major league pitching prospect - the boys embark on a local rite of passage, traveling north for one final weekend of debauchery in Canada. Unfortunately, it may just be their final weekend, period - as this rite goes very wrong. Along the way, the boys pick up Bro, their most intelligent - and only African American - friend, who is about to embark on an academic career at Dartmouth College. Where his right hand once resided is now a stump, and while this painful reminder of a terrible accident signifies a darker time, little does he realize what it will come to signify to those whom he encounters in the backwoods of New Hampshire.▇═─ ■◆◣◥▲◤ ◥〓∴ぷ▂▃▅▆█ 详情

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